2021 TLVs and BEIs

2021 TLVs and BEIs

2021 TLVs and BEIs Based on the Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices.

2021 TLVs and BEIs
2021 TLVs and BEIs

This new set includes the 2021 TLVs® and BEIs book, pocket-sized book used worldwide as a guide for evaluation and control of workplace exposures to chemical substances and physical agents, and the 2021 Guide to Occupational Exposure Values, the companion document to the TLVs and BEIs book that serves as a readily accessible reference for comparison of the most recently published values: 2021 Chemical Substance TLVs® from ACGIH®; AIHA/OARS Workplace Environmental Exposure Limits (WEELs); the OSHA Final Rule PELs; RELs from NIOSH; MAKs from the German Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Workplace; and carcinogenicity designations from ACGIH®, OSHA, NIOSH, MAK, IARC, U.S. NTP, and U.S. EPA. download

Policy Statement on the Uses of TLVs® and BEIs® ………….inside front cover
Statement of Position Regarding the TLVs® and BEIs
TLV®/BEI® Development Process: An Overview
Online TLV® and BEI® Resources
Revisions or Additions for 2021
Chemical Substances
Committee Members
General Information
Definition of the TLVs
Peak Exposures
TWA and STEL versus Ceiling (C)
Deviations in Work Conditions and Work Schedules
Application of TLVs® to Unusual Ambient Conditions
Unusual Work Schedules